Creative Industries Matter To The World

Tag: Future

Importance of culture and traditions

Reading time: 8 mins

When the British Queen Elizabeth II died in 2022, I watched in fasciation the unfolding of an unprecedented spectacle. Rituals that reach back to the Middle Ages with thousands of people queuing, watching, and participating.
In a time of political turmoil with economic crisis written on the wall, you might think people have other things in mind.
The whole spectacle seemed so out of date and yet so highly relevant. It showed an importance of culture and traditions that comes a bit as a surprise in our post-modern future focused world.

Why is it so important?

Why the creative industries matter in times of crisis

Reading time: 11 mins

In times of crisis, focus quickly turns to the important things: sufficient supply of material and economic resources, physical safety, societal stability, shelter, health etc. When COVID-19 entered the world, there was a lot of talking about what is systemically relevant. Which sectors keep the world going? What professions are important and needed in times of crisis?

In all these discussions there was little to no mentioning of the creative industries and the included cultural sector. There was a big void and it’s up to us to fill it.

Isaac Newton, Factfulness and A Show with A Mouse

Reading time: 13 mins

When covid first put the world on hold in 2020, I experienced something strange: The daily noise and buzz in my head started to dim and I found myself suddenly with time on my hand.

I had time to think, reflect and ponder. I had to reprioritize what’s important and what’s not. When you suddenly find yourself coworking in home office with all the family you learn to schedule and to compartmentalize your tasks. I had to think anew, and looking back, I’m grateful..

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